
作             者: Ken Pakenham, Jessica Williams, Jo McEntire, David Wiese, Pamela Vittorio
總     級     數: 4
英  文  類  型: 美式英語
適  用  程  度: High Beginning to Advanced
C E F R  Level: A1-A2-B1-B2-C1
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  • 本書系共分五級,訓練學生累積大量學術字彙,並建構有效閱讀的技巧。重點字彙出自Academic Word List (AWL)。
  • 閱讀題材多元,涵蓋教育、媒體、經濟、時尚、科技等主題。
  • 課程設計有豐富的讀前、讀中、讀後活動,培養學生閱讀邏輯,確實掌握閱讀技巧。
  • 附錄字彙表附有完整例句,協助學生學習更扎實。參考資料出處完整,提供老師更多教學資源。
  • 教師手冊提供單元試題,有助評鑑學生學習成效。
    Making Connections teaches an extensive range of reading skills and strategies in order to prepare students for college reading.
    Making Connections teaches an extensive range of reading skills and strategies in order to prepare students for college reading. The series takes students from a high-beginner to an advanced level of academic reading skill proficiency. The series contains a strong focus on vocabulary-building, including teaching words from the Academic Word List. It emphasizes critical thinking and increased reading speed. The series has a unique unit structure. At the outset of each unit, students are presented with and practice key reading and vocabulary-building skills. As students read the texts following these sections, they apply these skills by completing exercises in boxes in the margins of the readings, so that students literally have to apply the newly-learned skills 'while reading.'

  • 品項名稱 檔案說明 檔案類型 檔案大小 檔案下載
    Making Connections Intro Student's Book Teacher's Manual PDF檔 1.15MB
    Making Connections 4 Student's Book Teacher's Manual PDF檔 1.1MB
    Making Connections 2: Skills and Strategies for Academic Reading Student's Book Teacher's Manual PDF檔 963.88KB
    Making Connections 1: Skills and Strategies for Academic Reading Student's Book Teacher's Manual PDF檔 860.59KB
    Making Connections 3: Skills and Strategies for Academic Reading Student's Book Teacher's Manual PDF檔 879.4KB
    Making Connections 1: Skills and Strategies for Academic Reading Student's Book Table of Content PDF檔
    Making Connections 1: Skills and Strategies for Academic Reading Student's Book Unit Walk through PDF檔
    Making Connections 2: Skills and Strategies for Academic Reading Student's Book Sample Pages PDF檔
    Making Connections 2: Skills and Strategies for Academic Reading Student's Book Table of Content PDF檔
    Making Connections 2: Skills and Strategies for Academic Reading Student's Book Unit Walk through PDF檔
    Making Connections 3: Skills and Strategies for Academic Reading Student's Book Sample Pages PDF檔
    Making Connections 3: Skills and Strategies for Academic Reading Student's Book Table of Content PDF檔
    Making Connections 3: Skills and Strategies for Academic Reading Student's Book Unit Walk through PDF檔
    Making Connections 1: Skills and Strategies for Academic Reading Student's Book Sample pages PDF檔