
作             者: Mark Powell
總     級     數: 1
英  文  類  型: 國際英語
適  用  程  度: Intermediate to Advanced
C E F R  Level: B1-B2-C1-C2
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本書希望將成功並且啟發人心的簡報技巧傳授給需要的學習者,以確保產出的簡報內容和形式能發揮最大的效果。全書10 個單元網羅所有簡報所需的主題技巧,學生課本附有兩片CD 收錄所有聽力檔案、額外補充教學材料、標準答案及簡報評註。另有搭配單元內容的DVD ,提供簡報專家的建議和真實簡報錄影內容。

Dynamic Presentations is a business skills books from a leading business English author, combining core business skills with innovative new areas.
Aimed at today's busy executives and those studying for or wishing to further their careers in business, Dynamic Presentations looks at what constitutes a successful, motivating presentation and gives learners an insight into the essential skills and techniques they will need to ensure their presentations are both motivating and memorable. The Student's Book comes with two Audio CDs containing all the audio material used on the course. A Dynamic Presentations DVD is also available, with expert advice and authentic content, aimed at improving competency in key management areas.

  • 品             名: Dynamic Presentations DVD
    級             數:
    I S B N -  13 : 9780521150064
    產  品  型  式: Video DVD
    定             價: 1180 元 
  • 品             名: Dynamic Presentations Student's Book with CDs (2)
    級             數:
    I S B N -  13 : 9780521150040
    產  品  型  式: 平裝書隨附有聲Audio CD/軟體CD-ROM光碟
    定             價: 760 元 
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