
作             者: Steven Gerson
總     級     數: 2
英  文  類  型: 美式英語
適  用  程  度: Low Intermediate to Intermediate
C E F R  Level: A2-B1-B2
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◎ Present Yourself 共分兩級,專為訓練一般簡報技巧所設計。Level 1 著重於分享個人經驗;Level 2 則以發表個人意見與觀感為主。
◎ 課程架構採循序漸進方式,逐步引導學生如何蒐集資料、組織內容、運用說話技巧,進而完成簡報。
◎ 課程設計不僅強化簡報技巧,更藉由各式練習活動,培養聽說讀寫等語言能力。
◎ 搭配真人示範影片(可線上觀看與下載音檔),書後附有完整簡報範文,協助學生輕鬆掌握簡報技巧。
◎ 授課PowerPoint 可供用書老師索取。
Present Yourself Second Edition is a presentation skills course for adult and young adult learners of English.
Present Yourself Second Edition, now with complementary video for each level, is a presentation skills course for adult and young adult learners of English. The book takes a process approach to giving presentations and combines careful language control with communicative activities that are familiar to students. Present Yourself offers students an opportunity to develop the life skill of talking about topics to an audience outside the language classroom. It can be used as a main text in a presentation skills course, in the context of a general conversation course, or as a component in speaking or integrated-skills classes. Present Yourself Second Edition Level 1, is intended for low-intermediate students and focuses on giving presentations about everyday experiences. Present Yourself Second Edition Level 2, is intended for intermediate students and focuses on giving presentations that express an opinion or point of view.

  • 品             名: Present Yourself 1 Student's Book
    級             數: Level 1
    I S B N -  13 : 9781107435636
    產  品  型  式: 平裝
    定             價: 500 元 
  • 品             名: Present Yourself 2 Student's Book
    級             數: Level 2
    I S B N -  13 : 9781107435780
    產  品  型  式: 平裝
    定             價: 500 元 
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Present Yourself 2 Student's Book Teacher's Manual PDF檔 3.02MB
Present Yourself 1 Student's Book Teacher's Manual PDF檔 3.49MB
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Present Yourself 1 Student's Book sample pages PDF檔
Present Yourself 1 Student's Book TOC PDF檔
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