
作             者: Laurie Blass, Deborah Gordon, Ann O. Strauch, Dorothy Zemach, Lynn Stafford-Yilmaz, Jill Singleton
總     級     數: 4
英  文  類  型: 美式英語
適  用  程  度: Beginner to Intermediate
C E F R  Level: A1-A2-B1-B2-C1
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◎ 本系列教材共分為四級,主要協助學生培養寫作基礎。
◎ 採「過程教學法」,使用完整系列書後,學生能獨立完成一篇架構完整的文章。
◎ 每個章節讓學生透過寫作五步驟(準備開始—草稿撰寫—修改完稿—編輯完稿—自我/同儕檢視),確實達到過程學習的效果。
The Writers at Work series prepares ESL students to tackle academic essay writing.
Writers at Work is a four-level series that provides high beginning to high intermediate students with a solid foundation in writing skills. The lowest level in the series starts by teaching sentence construction and ends by teaching the basics of paragraph writing. The second level in the series further develops students’ ability to write a single paragraph with a topic sentence and supporting sentences. The third level teaches multi-paragraph writing, in which several main ideas are supported over several paragraphs. Finally, the fourth book in the series introduces students to formal academic essay writing. Chapters in each book of the series take students through the same five-step process: gathering ideas, composing, revising, editing, and sharing of the finished product A Teacher's Manual with teaching suggestions and a complete answer key accompanies each Student’s Book. In addition, a Teacher's Web site provides teachers with free photocopiable additional practice activities and tests.

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