
作             者: Jolene Gear, Robert Gear
總     級     數: 1
英  文  類  型: 美式英語
適  用  程  度: Intermediate to Advanced
C E F R  Level: B1-B2-C1
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Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test 第四版,為新制托福 iBT 最新考試用書,全書編排清楚條理,針對聽、說、讀、寫提供超過200種技能訓練,有效幫助學生快速紮實地為新制托福考試做最徹底的準備。
The Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test, Fourth Edition, helps students master the language skills they need to succeed on the TOEFL iBT and communicate effectively in an academic setting.
The Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test, Fourth Edition, helps students master the language skills they need to succeed on the TOEFL iBT and communicate effectively in an academic setting. Using an integrated-skills approach that mirrors the structure of the TOEFL iBT, this fully revised text is ideal for classroom use and self-study. The book contains hundreds of skill-building exercises covering all the question types in the exam, and four practice tests. A supporting skills section is provided to improve grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and study skills.Online, students can take the book tests and three additional practice tests in format that simulates the TOEFL iBT. The audio program, available on Audio CD or Audio Cassette, contains conversations and lectures for all listening exercises and test questions.

  • 全書分為三部份,分別針對托福iBT考試所要求的「英語觀念和應試技巧」、「聽說讀寫訓練」以及「完整模擬試題」,做詳細完備的說明與教學。
  • 第一部份「Building Supporting Skills」(英語觀念和應試技巧),特別整理新制托福的出題方向,鉅細靡遺地教授學生字彙、發音、文法、速記技巧、文章詮釋與摘要技巧,有效培養學生托福iBT所要求之學術英語能力。
  • 第二部份「Building Skills」(聽說讀寫訓練)分成四小部份,輔以真實的托福試題,詳細指導聽、說、讀、寫各種題型之答題技巧,並特別說明新制托福的「口說、寫作綜合能力測驗」。聽說讀寫各部份結尾,則以托福iBT的正式題組(或從試題光碟中),讓學生模擬練習托福考試的真實題型與題數,有效了解自己的學習成效。
  • 第三部份「Practice Tests」(完整模擬試題),於書末提供TOEFL iBT模擬試題,並可於試題光碟中進行電腦測驗版的練習。
  • 書末附全書各部份解答、錄音稿,以及字彙使用索引。解答部份更包含:解釋說明、作文範例,以及口說測驗試題答案。

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