
作             者: Claire Thacker, Samantha Lewis, Daniel Vincent and Stuart
總     級     數: 4
英  文  類  型: 美式英語
適  用  程  度: Beginner to Upper Intermediate
C E F R  Level: A1+-A2-B1-B1+
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★點我前往訂購: 華泰網路書店eShop

Shape It! 融入劍橋生活素養架構 (Cambridge Life Competencies Framework),逐步培養學生Critical Thinking(慎思明辨)、Creative Thinking(創意思維)、Collaboration(協同合作)及Learning to Learn(學習方法及態度)等素養,旨在協助青少年學習者於變遷迅速的全球化社會中,能夠具備自信來面對未來的各種挑戰。
■ Teen-friendly Videos:
課程導入多元影片開展單元內容,每冊教材皆有多達45 個影片, 包含:Documentary( 專題紀 實影片)、Grammar in Action Vlog( 樂趣學文法影片)、Everyday English Videos(生活情境 短片)。
■ Global Perspectives:
環繞「全球公民」概念,結合CLIL Project(跨學科活動)及Culture Project(多元文化活動),帶領學生透過英語探索全球議題及多元文化,進一步建立正向價值觀、國際觀及團隊協同合作能力。
■ Learning to Learn:
每單元皆融入Learning to Learn 章節,培養青少年在學習之路上必備的學習技巧與能力(如:利用 不同的圖表整理資訊等),養成能夠主動學習、反思並評估自身學習狀態的積極終身學習者。
■ Practice Extra:
結合多媒體線上學習平台,提供額外練習活動,包含:單字文法練習、線上口說任務(Speaking Tasks)、遊戲等。

With Shape It!, teens develop the confidence and competencies they need to pave their own path in an ever-evolving global landscape.
Shape It! is designed to help students take ownership of their learning. The combination of learner training and project work helps students develop their individual and collaborative skills in order to become more confident, independent learners. Through vibrant global topics, a focus on developing life competencies and learner autonomy, and supported by powerful digital tools and an abundant range of videos, Shape It! ensures that students will be more motivated to take charge of their own learning, empowering them to shape their own futures.

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