
作             者: Leslie Anne Hendra, Mark Ibbotson, Ben Goldstein, Kathryn O’Dell, Lindsay Clandfield, Ceri Jones, Philip Kerr
總     級     數: 6
英  文  類  型: 美式英語
適  用  程  度: Beginner to Advanced
C E F R  Level: A1-A2-B1-B1+-B2-C1
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根據劍橋大學的研究指出,學生在語言能力上的自信心往往取決於其口語能力的好壞。 為了有效提升學生口語表達能力,Evolve以學習者為中心,結合日常生活與職場主題,旨在打照一套有效提升語言溝通能力並增進學習動機的成人主教材。

  • Real-world Strategy:特有「溝通互動能力」訓練章節,幫助學生自然使用英語與他人交流。
  • Peer Models:結合真實各國學生口語示範影片,貼近學習者心理及增進自信心。
  • Find it ! Activities:課程融入手機活動,讓英語課堂與學生生活雙向接軌。
  • Presentation Skills:以多元形式的簡報活動總結單元,加深語言學習印象並增進思辨能力。
  • Video:另搭配劇集型影片及專題影片,提供貼近生活的主題內容同時也探討現代議題。
  • Practice Extra:結合多媒體線上學習平台活動,提供額外聽說讀寫練習。

    A six-level English course that gets students speaking with confidence.
    This student-centered course draws on insights from language teaching experts and real students and focuses on the most effective and efficient ways to make progress in English.
    What makes Evolve special?
  • Peer models and content from real students.
  • Bite-sized learning and mobile phone activities for inside and outside the classroom.
  • Dedicated speaking lessons based on immersive tasks.
  • Integrated teacher development in the Teacher's Edition.

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