
作             者: Curtis Kelly and Arien Gargaliano
總     級     數: 2
英  文  類  型: 美式英語
適  用  程  度: Low Intermediate to Intermediate
C E F R  Level: B1-B2
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◎ 輕鬆有趣的初中級寫作教材,適用中學以上的學習者。
◎ 每冊12 個單元循序漸進發展建構寫作能力,學生透過各個單元,練習寫作過程中所需的主要技巧,並融入自身的知識、信仰、文化及個人經歷,產出富有創意的寫作內容。
A series that prepares students for paragraph and composition writing, while making the process enjoyable.
Writing from Within is a two-level series that prepares students for basic paragraph writing (Level 1) and composition writing (Level 2). Each book in the series contains 12 ten-page units. Students are guided step by step to produce a final unit writing assignment, with each page of a unit teaching a separate step in the process. Students brainstorm to get ideas for writing, analyze paragraphs and short essays to gain insight into how to organize their writing, and are taught how to revise and edit their work to produce a well-crafted final product. Throughout the books, key strategic information about how to write is placed in specially designed boxes. The information is succinctly presented in easy-to-understand language so that low-level students can easily follow along. Units end with a fun optional activity. Each level is accompanied by a Teacher's Manual.

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