
作             者: Annette Capel, Joanna Kosta, Melanie Williams, James Styring, Nicholas Tims, Niki Joseph & Annette Capel
總     級     數: 7
英  文  類  型: 英式英語
適  用  程  度: Beginner to Upper Intermediate
C E F R  Level: A1-A2-B1-B2
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【劍橋國際英語認證 for Schools官方準備教材】Prepare! 由劍橋大學出版社與劍橋大學語言測評考試院共同研發,唯一一套針對劍橋國際英語認證 (for Schools)的專門準備教材。於生動活潑的英語課程中,廣泛地將劍橋國際英檢的備考方向融入其中,英語程度提升及考試技巧增進緊密地貫穿課程內容之中,無論是一般英語課程教學或者是聚焦考試練習,Prepare!協助老師與學生對日常英文與劍橋國際英語認證,作足萬全準備!
Prepare! is a lively 7-level general English course with comprehensive Cambridge English for Schools exam preparation integrated throughout.
Prepare! is a lively general English course with comprehensive Cambridge English for Schools exam preparation integrated throughout. This flexible course brings together all the tools and technology you expect to get the results you need. Prepare! is the only schools course jointly produced with and endorsed by Cambridge English Language Assessment. Its unique approach is driven by cutting edge language research from the English Vocabulary Profile and the Cambridge Learner Corpus. Whether teaching general English or focusing on exams, Prepare! leaves you and your students genuinely ready for what comes next: real Cambridge English exams, or real life.

  • 主題式課綱編排:聚焦青少年生活周遭及興趣領域範圍,以主題分單元,藉由生動活潑的主題誘發學習興趣。系統化整理聽、說、讀、寫等考試準備練習。
  • 劍橋學習者語料庫:運用劍橋語料庫Cambridge learners corpus當中收錄的真實語料彙編而成,幫助學生學習如何使用最正確的單字、文法,有效避免常犯錯誤發生。
  • English Profile:課程內容參照English Profile編纂,有效幫助學生釐清及學習到符合各程度的單字及片語等語料。
  • Exam Task:由專業出題者參照劍橋國際英檢實際考題模組,編纂設計成課程練習內容,讓學生於日常學習中就可以熟悉考題的型式,一點一滴累積應考概念。
  • 真實訪談影片:各級數教師手冊皆附有10則實境影片,藉由訪談方式,讓青少年學習發表自己的想法與經驗,並誘發學者於課堂中討論的動機,將語言學習與實際生活作結合。

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