
作             者: Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson
總     級     數: 7
英  文  類  型: 英式英語
適  用  程  度: Complete Beginner to Elementary
C E F R  Level: A1-A2
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劍橋於 2008 年推出運用最新教學理念 CLIL(內容與語言整合學習)的兒童英語學習教材,針對劍橋兒童英語認證考試(YLE-Cambridge Young Learners English)而設計的課程教案。共分六個級數,配件相當豐富多樣,包括活動手冊、教師手冊、教師資源配套包、閃示圖/字卡、學生自製圖畫字典貼紙、英語學習歷程檔案(Language Portfolio)、聽力 CD 、白板教室軟體和最新互動光碟版活動手冊以及考題製作光碟;線上資源還包括更多可下載使用的棋盤式遊戲、教室活動學習單和 YLE 練習卷。要特別一提的是,它的互動 DVD 是 ELT 史上未曾出現的高品質之作,榮獲英國文化協會創新獎提名。在充滿幽默創意並啟發優良品格的課題之外,特別強調活潑發音和閱讀能力,在開始接觸英語時就能有正確發音,同時建立良好的閱讀習慣,從小認知語言自主學習和真實運用的重要性,跟著書中星星家族毫無壓力地快樂成長,自信開口說英語。老師依照孩子不同的學習風格來教學,結合數理邏輯、音樂律動、視聽實作、同儕互動和自我探索等多元智能,協助孩子的語言學習。非常適合背景多元與不同程度學生的班級。
Kid's Box is bursting with bright ideas to inspire you and your pupils! This six-level course gives children a confident start to learning English, and makes lessons a joy for teachers. Perfect for general use, Kid's Box also fully covers the syllabus of the Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) tests. New language is presented through amusing stories that your students will adore and practised with fantastic songs and activities, making the learning process a delight. Key language is continuously revised and recycled, helping to build children's confidence, and a focus on communicative activities ensures that children use the language they have learned in a fun, 'no-pressure' context. The loveable members of the Star family will delight young learners, while an extensive range of supplementary materials provides the teacher with all the extra activities they need.

  • The accompanying Teacher's Resource Packs provide a huge assortment of extension and reinforcement activities, and cater for different abilities and learning styles.
  • UNIQUE 'Say it with Monty' (Levels 1 and 2), 'Say it with Stella' (Levels 3 and 4) and 'Say it right' (Levels 5 and 6) pronunciation sections help children to practise their pronunciation in a non-threatening context.
  • 'Our world' cross-curricular culture sections (Levels 1 and 2) help build on children's knowledge of the world outside the classroom. Topic sections (Levels 3 to 6) give pupils an introduction to learning other subjects through English.
  • YLE type tests in levels 2, 4 and 6 help to assess the children's progress, and familiarize them with the format of the YLE exam.
  • The interactive DVD reinforces target language in a fun and memorable way and brings language to life in the classroom.

  • 特殊設計的發音課程(如:Say it with Monty、Say it with Stella、Say it Right)融合於主課程,讓孩子在自然情境中學習發音不吃力。
  • 各科學門、社會意識、國情文化、各地節慶及生活技能課程(如:第一/二級數 Our World/P.E./Clothes We Wear、第三/四級數 Do You Know that.../Help Your Body/World Hello Day)穿插主要課程之後,讓孩子的智能及品德在英語學習環境中同時能夠完整發展。
  • 2013 年最新出版的考題光碟,讓老師們可以隨時檢測孩子的學習成效。