
作             者: Caroline Nixon , Michael Tomlinson
總     級     數: 7
英  文  類  型: 美式英語
適  用  程  度: Complete Beginner to High Elementary
C E F R  Level: A0-Pre A1-A1-A2
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The classic course for a New Generation!
課程呼應YLE 劍橋兒童英檢「趣味學習」(Fun learning)的核心價值,以活潑主題、逗趣角色激發學童學習興趣,不僅貼近兒童心理,還結合了完善的學習進程,培養兒童自主發展。適用於一般兒童英語課程,更是準備YLE英檢的最佳選擇!
■Bigger, brighter and even better
改編自全球暢銷兒童主教材Kid’s Box,課程視覺及內容全面更新,且額外納入多達300 個課程影片,提供兒童優質、完善且生動有趣的英語啟蒙之路。
■YLE Exam Preparation
學考自然結合,課綱完整涵蓋YLE syllabus,提供更豐富的YLE 考題形式練習活動,循序漸進規劃Starters、Movers 及Flyers 三階段。每冊學生課本亦附有Exam Folder,提供一份完整YLE 試題。
■Digital Packs
教師:課程音檔、影片、額外學習單、考題資源、課室軟體(Presentation Plus) 等。
■延伸閱讀:備考YLE劍橋英檢也可以有趣又有效?一起開箱官方教材Kid’s Box


A 7-level general English course for a new generation of learners with officially validated exam preparation material. A generation has learnt English with Kid's Box. Maskman, Marie, Trevor, Monty, the Star family and their friends are back as your loyal classroom assistants, to help give the new generation a happy learning experience, full of affection and humour. The course that teachers and learners know and love is instantly recognisable. Now, it's bigger, brighter and, to put it simply, even better! Kid's Box New Generation is a 7-level general English course that takes learners through to A2 by the end of level 6. It's also officially validated exam preparation material, with a syllabus that follows the Cambridge English Qualifications for Young Learners.

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