Inspire the Game Changers of tomorrow.
■ Developing confident global citizens
■ Vibrant videos
在喜馬拉亞高山上學習是什麼感覺?從地球可以看到木星嗎?Game Changer 透過吸睛的專題影片(Documentaries)呈現國際主題及跨學科課程內容,生動體現課程主題,也提升學習動機。
■ Life Competencies for the next generation
課程結合素養教學,著重培養學生Learning to Learn(學習方法與態度)、慎思明辨(Critical Thinking)及創意思維(Creative Thinking)等生活素養能力,養成能夠終身學習且能靈活思考的學習者。
■ Cross-curricular Lessons (CLIL)
Game Changer is a four-level lower Secondary course designed to give young teens all the confidence they need to prepare them for a world where critical thinking, great communication skills and creativity are key. With its fresh and fun approach to global real-world topics, Game Changer is designed to help teachers prepare stimulating and easy-to-teach lessons that will ensure lower secondary teenage students are motivated and engaged throughout the school year. Cross-cultural reading topics, in-context language presentations, scaffolded speaking and writing tasks, opportunities to develop competencies such as learner autonomy, critical thinking and creative thinking are guaranteed to develop learners' global awareness and encourage a learning mindset. The latest digital resources are all in one place on Cambridge One.