■ 適用於考衝前期熟悉題型、鍛鍊解題技巧用。
■ 內含:六份完整擬真試題,前兩份試題提供步驟詳細的專家導讀,其餘四份考題則依考生常犯錯誤及語言常見弱點編寫模擬試題,提供考生練習機會。
■ 線上資源包含:聽力測驗音檔、聽力逐字稿、考題解答與解析,電子書eBook。
■ 書中亦提供QR Code,掃描即可直接聽聽力測驗音檔。
■ 線上資源網址:https://www.cambridgeone.org/
Six practice tests for healthcare professionals preparing to take the OET (Occupational English Test).
These books are perfect for OET preparation, whether you are studying by yourself or in a class. They include six authentic practice tests covering the four papers: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Each book also includes a code which gives access to digital resources online: an eBook version of the printed book, audio for listening activities, audio transcripts and answer keys with explanations.