
作             者: Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jones
總     級     數: 3
英  文  類  型: 英式英語
適  用  程  度: Complete Beginner
C E F R  Level: A1
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Super Safari秉持著「培育聰慧的孩子」的教育理念,透過故事、歌曲、創意勞作與肢體活動,訴求讓幼童在自然情境下習得英語能力,並同步發展孩子的邏輯思維、社會價值和運動感知技能。這種全面性的英語教育觀旨在確保兒童在學齡前階段掌握必要的技能,信心滿滿地繼續他們的學習與人生旅程。
Based on the successful pedagogy of Super Minds, Super Safari welcomes children as young as three on their first learning adventure. With its holistic approach of “becoming smart” the course supports all aspects of learners’ development by improving their memory, thinking and motorsensory skills as well as language and social skills.

  • “Becoming smart” approach develops children’s thinking skills, memory, concentration and creativity with varied activities and projects
  • Lovable animal characters and colorful stories introduce children to new language as well as sharing, working together and other social values
  • Children will also love the songs, creative arts and crafts, and TPR (Total Physical Response) activities, which make lessons fun and develop motor-sensory skills
  • Teaching English with phonics gives children the building blocks for fluent reading and spelling skills
  • With engaging CLIL sections young learners discover the fascinating world around them.

  • Student's Book with DVD-ROM:全彩學生課本內含貼紙、面 具等活動素材;書後所附 DVD,含有每單元兩則互動式單字遊 戲、學生課本歌曲動畫。
  • Story:透過討喜的角色與精彩故事,將社會價值(Social values) 融入其中,讓孩子不僅學會英語,更加強品格教育。
  • Family Fun:書中特別設計“Family fun!"頁面,邀請父母在 家中與孩子一起感受故事人物的喜怒哀樂,並協助孩子完成相 應的輔助練習。
  • Think:透過巧妙設計的活動及趣味的手作,發展孩童的創意及 潛能,培養專注力及思考能力。
  • CLIL:搭配不同主題,融入跨學科的知識,幫助兒童探索世界, 培養多元的興趣發展。
  • Teacher's Book:教師手冊提供靈活彈性的教學計畫,幫助教 師快速輕鬆地縮短或延展教學方案。
  • Teacher's DVD:含學生課本中的故事彩色動畫版、歌曲、伴 唱版本。
  • Presentation Plus:將學生本、作業本、教師手冊、音檔與所 有資源整合電子化,透過電子白板功能打造互動式課堂。
  • Parrot Puppet:透過鸚鵡手偶 Polly 帶出故事及歌曲等內容, 提供老師更加生動且富饒趣味的教學方式。