
作             者: Raymond Murphy
總     級     數: 1
英  文  類  型: 英式英語
適  用  程  度: Elementary to Pre-intermediate
C E F R  Level: A2-B1
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  • 暢銷全球百萬本之文法書系,共有三種版本,分別為:英式英語版(English Grammar in Use)、美式英語版(Grammar in Use) 及中英雙語版。
  • 劍橋In Use 系列以「左右對照,兩頁一單元」,清楚易讀的版面聞名,文法系列每個單元皆是:左頁解說一個特定的文法要點,右頁立即進行活用練習,讓讀者馬上加深印象。
  • 文法要點以與生活經驗相結合的方式,帶領讀者了解用法,並提供饒富幽默感與趣味性的例句、插圖和比較句型解說文法,幫助學習者在理解真實使用情境後,輕鬆學會文法,揚棄背公式的學習模式!
    An absolute essential for any elementary level student.
    Essential Grammar in Use Third edition is a fully updated version of this best-selling grammar title. Now in full colour, with new content and even more exercises, this updated edition retains all the key features of clarity and ease-of-use that have made the book so popular with learners and teachers alike. Designed to be flexible, the Third edition is available both with and without answers, making it ideal for self-study, but also suitable for reinforcement work in the classroom. The 'with answers' version of the book comes with a handy pull-out reference panel which allows learners to review key grammar points at a glance. It is also available with a CD-ROM, offering extra practice of all the grammar covered at this level.

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    Essential Grammar in Use with Answers and CD-ROM Table of Contents PDF檔
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