
作             者: Bill Mascull
總     級     數: 3
英  文  類  型: 國際英語
適  用  程  度: Elementary to Advanced
C E F R  Level: A2-B1-B2-C1
相  關  下  載

Business Vocabulary in Use 系列是為不同程度的職場人士所設計的「商用字彙」用書。融入最新的商業主題,讓商用字彙學習更完善,是職場人士、商學院學生必備的商用英語工具書。商用字彙包括工作、人資、生產製造、行銷、商業文化、財經等相關領域完全收錄。本系列書保有in Use書系編排特色,左頁是解說主題字彙,右頁則為練習題組。馬上學,馬上做練習,另附發音參考表,是最實用的商用單字書。
Bringing learners up-to-date with the language they need for business today, this book explains words and expressions and also provides practice of using the new language. The second edition reflects recent developments in technology, global relations and financial practice and covers a wide range of topics from Competitive Strategy to Globalisation. It also helps learners develop skills in key areas including Business writing and Working in international teams. With vocabulary drawn from the Cambridge Business English Corpus – a collection of real English compiled from authentic sources including business magazines, professional journals and educational books – learners can be sure that the language they're learning is up-to-date, relevant and natural. The second edition comes with or without a new CD-ROM, which offers practice exercises and games, audio of each word or phrase, tests and a phonemic chart for pronunciation support.

  • 全套共3冊,每冊約50個單元。每單元皆以具情境式的上下文來說明及解釋單字,讓學習者了解單字正確的用法。
  • 課程依主題的難易度漸進教學,從基本的數字、時間表達,進階至品管、行銷、客戶維護等較艱深的課題,學習者可依需求自行選擇使用,能有效提升商用英語應用能力。
  • 每單元末「Over to you」提供延伸練習的主題,幫助學生立即將所學字彙實際運用至職場中。
  • 可作為TOEIC、BULATS考試輔助教材

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