
作             者: Bill Mascull
總     級     數: 2
英  文  類  型: 國際英語
適  用  程  度: Pre-intermediate to Advanced
C E F R  Level: B1-B2-C1
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劍橋in Use商英字彙書系,依字彙難度分三級,每單元提供清楚解說與練習題,內容涵蓋時下最實用的商英字彙。新版Intermediate及Advanced內容包含電子商務、簡歷及求職信件等主題應用。前版隨書CD-ROM升級為互動式電子書(Interactive eBook),包含:全書內容與例句音檔,另可畫重點及個人筆記等功能,學習字彙也增進聽力與發音,整體英語能力大躍進。

  • 內容深入簡出,版面清楚易讀:
  • 依主題分類,單元安排靈活:
  • 融合商業文章及短文,有效提升商英字彙的運用:
        內容提供大量商英範例,包含電子商務、個人履歷(CV)及求職信件(Cover Letter),

    延伸閱讀:職場英文大躍進!in Use商英字彙書介紹

    The words you need to communicate with confidence in business today. Vocabulary explanations and practice for intermediate (B1 to B2) students and professionals looking to improve their knowledge and use of business English. This book is perfect for both self-study and classroom activities. It helps you to expand your vocabulary with easy to understand explanations and practice exercises, learn business language in context with 66 different topics and skills, and be confident about what you are learning, thanks to Cambridge research into how business English is really spoken and written. Follow-up tasks and an easy to use answer key in the back of the book will help you to study by yourself. This book is also available with an ebook, which has the same content as the printed book, plus features such as audio so that you can listen to the words as well as reading them.

  • 品項名稱 檔案說明 檔案類型 檔案大小 檔案下載
    Business Vocabulary in Use Intermediate with Answers and Enhanced eBook Sample Page PDF檔 89.53KB
    Business Vocabulary in Use Intermediate with Answers and Enhanced eBook Sample Page PDF檔 91.31KB