
作             者: Anne Robinson & Karen Saxby
總     級     數: 3
英  文  類  型: 英式英語
適  用  程  度: Beginner to Elementary
C E F R  Level: Pre-A1-A2
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YLE (Cambridge Young Learners English Tests) 劍橋兒童英語認證是劍橋大學考試院特別為檢測七至十二歲兒童的英語能力所設計的一套英語檢定認證系統。劍橋大學考試委員會在1993年開始針對非英語系國家的小學生設計英語學習評量。YLE 劍橋兒童英語認證(Cambridge Young Learners English Tests)即是為七至十二歲的英語初學者而設計,目的在於用無壓力的檢測方式,鼓勵學童設定學習目標、培養英語實力。YLE 劍橋兒童英語認證共分三個級數:Starters、Movers 和 Flyers.
These practice tests from Cambridge English Language Assessment (formerly Cambridge ESOL) are designed to evaluate the English level of primary learners aged 7–12. They provide the first step towards the Cambridge English exams (e.g. KET, PET, and FCE). There are three sets of tests for each of the three levels: Cambridge Starters, Cambridge Movers and Cambridge Flyers. Each set contains three full colour tests, a CD, and an answer booklet. Each book contains three complete past tests from Cambridge English Language Assessment meaning students and teachers are assured of the most authentic test preparation available. And the full colour test papers contain engaging activities and attractive illustrations providing test practice in a way which motivates young learners.

  • YLE 是全球最具公信力的兒童英語認證
  • 直接銜接劍橋五級國際英語認證
  • 本系列書為市售唯一官方考古題
  • 每冊附有三份完整考古試題
  • 書封數字代表考題新舊,數字愈大,考題愈新

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